For some reason I am unable to log in to the forum to post a question. I log into my account but when I go to the forum I am somehow logged out and when I log in takes me away from the forum. It is happening on multiple browsers.
The only way I could access the forum is by replying on an old message.
My question is about EA Studio and commission.
When you input commission are you putting in commission for just one side of the trade or for round trade.
When going through another forum I saw that Popov gave two different answer.
One person asked about commission and gave an example of say .135% per side commission and wanted to know what to put in. Popov said to put in the $ value for the .135%
In another post when asked about spread Popov told him to make a open and close a trade and record the total commission and input it.
Just wanted to get a clear answer on this.