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    • #251811
      User AvatarMaarten Vollebregt


      I’m using source Premium Data 15 min for gold, but it gives me no strategies. With the same settings I can generatie 10000’s of strategies for forex pairs… Something special with gold? Oh, and I use data horizon for last 4 years..



    • #251995
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      Hi Maarten,

      Is the Acceptance Criteria too strict for gold?


    • #252362
      User AvatarMaarten Vollebregt

      I turned off the acceptance criteria now I see more happening:

      But without the acceptance criteria I accepte strategies with min net prof below 10 and below 100 trades… I don’t think that’s what we want..

    • #252355
      User AvatarMaarten Vollebregt

      Hello Alan,

      No nothing special:


      I have no clue?

    • #252357
      User AvatarMaarten Vollebregt

      Hello Allan,

      No, nothing strange:




      I have no idea.. 15 minutes works for every pair. Maybe I should try a hour?



      • #252430
        User AvatarAlan Northam

        Hi Maarten,

        Use Generator

        Turn off Acceptance Criteria

        Set Stop Loss Min (pips) = 1

        Set Stop Loss Max (pips) = 1000000

        Take Profit  Loss Min (pips) = 1

        Take Profit Loss Max (pips) = 1000000

        Click Start

        Go to Collections (you should be collecting lots of strategies)

        Go to Filter records (start adding in validation criteria to filter strategies to best performers)
        example:  minimum count of trades = 50, Minimum r-squared = 50

        Once you have some good strategies you can click on a strategy and it will show you its strategy and Stop Loss and Take Profit chosen.

        If count of trades is not what you want then try a different time period.

        Hope this helps!



    • #252523
      User AvatarMaarten Vollebregt

      Hello Alan,

      But how do you trade the strategies that come out of the generator. How do you trade strategies with the big stoploss sizes,is that even possible… Can you give an example on xauusd with a stoploss of 819725 pips when I use a 10000 USD account. The risk I want to take is 2% with every trade without a leverage… Can you explain why you can make the scope for gold so big for the amount of pips?? Is gold that volatile?? It’s the only thing I’m worried about with the products you deliver. It would be very helpfull if there could be more information about risks with examples and the stragies you create. The position size calculator I use https://www.myfxbook.com/forex-calculators/position-size can’t even work with stoplosses this high 819725…

      Hope you can help more with risk management and the specific bots you create.


      • #252652
        User AvatarAlan Northam

        Hi Marten,

        Yes, gold is volatile!

        Keep in mind you have selected to have 2 indicators to signal closing the trades. With EA Studio pushing the SL and TP so far away, it is telling me it is not using them but is using the indicators to signal buy and sell signals as well as signals to close trades.

        I ran a test with account $2000 and lot size 0.1.

        I then went to Collections and filtered with Maximum equity drawdown of 10% and Minimum count of trades of 50.

        I then selected a strategy, selected Report and then selected Stats info.

        I then scanned down to “Maximum Loss” which equaled 8% in the strategy I selected. So with a $2000 account this equals to a max loss of $160. You can go to the Journal of the strategy and scan down through to profit column to see the losses in dollars. You can then calculate the losses in percent by dividing dollar loss by the account balances.  The maximum loss you should find should equal 8%.

        You can use 8% to set up your stop loss.

        I am in the United States so I cannot actually trade gold with a forex broker, all I can do is use EA Studio to look at back tests.


        • #252673
          User AvatarAlan Northam

          Hi Maarten,

          Once I realized there were some strategies with maximum drawdown of 8% or $160 I set the Stop Loss to $200.  I then set take profit to $400 to $1000.  This then provided a RRR of 1:2 through 1:5.  I will now let EA Studio run for 10 hours to collect strategies.  I will report my results then.


          • #252802
            User AvatarAlan Northam

            Hi Maarten,

            After 10 hours here is the best performing EA:

            In this screenshot you can see the Stop Loss range and Take Profit range in dollars I selected.  Then I clicked on Edit and then clicked on Report to see the stats.


            Here are the stats:

            Here you can see many statistics about this EA.  I only boxed in one of the stats because you were worried about how to determine account risk.  The boxed in stat shows that over the last one year of backtesting the worse case trade had a loss of 9.89%.  So you could use this to set your account risk.


            Here I have shown an example on how to use EA Studio to find some EAs for XAUUSD.  Hope this helps to get you going!


    • #253366
      User AvatarMaarten Vollebregt

      Thanks, Alan. It’s so much information. This makes things much more clear. I’m getting a better feeling about the services you deliver 🙂

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