Home Forums EA Studio Whenever I refresh the page, EA Studio deletes my data.

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    • #191458
      User AvatarJaylon Nichols

      I follow these steps: I use the data export script to retrieve the data, then I place it in the EA Studio data zone and wait for it to import and upload. However, the problem is that when I refresh the page, the data disappears. This issue has only started recently, as a few days ago, the data remained even after refreshing. Can you please explain what might be happening and provide guidance on how to fix this?

    • #191465
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      Thanks for bringing this up. I can’t even navigate to the data file in EA Studio so I can look at my brokers data. I will look into this!

    • #191565
      User AvatarAlan Northam

      The problem is partially fixed. You can upload your brokers data and generate strategies. However, if you refresh or log out you will have to upload your brokers data again.

      • #191582
        User AvatarAlan Northam

        Please refresh EA Studio with Ctrl+F5 to be sure you have the latest version. It must be v23.8.16.  EA Studio should now work correctly!

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