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    • #78586
      User AvatarCK

      hi, Petko,

      May I ask how to do trailing profit setting when generate EA from EA studio? or does it mean to be not including trailing profit?

      I only see this option in stop loss, but not in profit taking.

      You know, it’s so sad when you see it’s almost hit the profit taking, but then go all the other way round, and stop loss finally. it just like dropping from “heaven to hell”.

      if there is trailing profit or break-even option, at least it can protect the profit.

      thanks alot.


    • #80121

      Hey CK,

      Actually what you are looking for is exactly a trailing Stop Loss. There is no such a thing as trailing profit.

      Simply put, when the position goes on profit, the SL starts to trail behind, and if the price turns around, it will hit it and you will secure the profit.

      It is exactly what you are saying but it is called Trailing Stop Loss.

      You can not trail the Take Profit: if it is trailing below the price(for long/buy positions), then it is a SL, if it is trailing above the price then it will never get hit 🙂

      • #80422
        User AvatarCK

        ohhh…i see.

        thanks Petko

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