Home Forums EA Studio Portfolio EAs Saving an EA into the portfolio

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    • #62344
      User AvatarGraeme Byers

      Sometimes I can not save an EA into the portfolio
      1) I select an EA from the collection
      2) I Normalize it
      3) Click on Edit
      3) Run it through Monte Carlo
      4) Click Edit
      5) Click Portfolio

      And it does not go into the Portfolio
      This EA has not been saved in the Portfolio previously

      Can someone help me



    • #62768

      Hey Graeme,

      If you attach a screenshot it will be easier for me to see the reason.

      In the Portfolio you can add EAs from same currency pairs and same time frame. If you tried differently, that might be one of the reasons.

      Let me know.

    • #63146
      User AvatarGraeme Byers

      Saving EA into portfolio

    • #63147
      User AvatarGraeme Byers

      Hi Petko, thanks for the reply. Above is the screen shot

    • #63297

      And what, the strategy doesn’t go in the Portfolio?

      What if you clean the portfolio, maybe it is already in there and it detects a similar strategy?

      Hard to say from this screenshot. If you can make a short video sharing your screen and showing the Portfolio, how you add the strategy..try.


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