Home Forums EA Studio Reactor Reactor running very slow

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    • #13937
      User AvatarSimon

      Hello traders,

      I am finding that the Reactor is very slow to calculate strategies; I set it as per Petko’s video about it, and in the video, the Reactor has calculate nearly 1000 strategies within a few seconds, nothing validated or in the collection, but they are certainly getting calculated and rejected very quickly, whereas for me it is really slow, maybe 1000 after a few minutes – can anyone advise why this may be?

      I wouldn’t think that my internet speed has anything to do with it, or the machine I’m using, as EA Studio is hosted on a server capable of doing what it needs to, but maybe I’m wrong?…


    • #13992
      User AvatarSimon

      Ok, I have tried it with different quantities of bars of data, and the speed changes accordingly.

      Is there a minimum quantity of bars that you recommend for creating a strategy?

      If we don’t need to keep the strategies forever and will eventually discard them, can we get away with using shorter chunks of data so that the Reactor can work more quickly to find and validate strategies?


    • #14002
      User AvatarDesita

      Hello Simon,

      With me, it runs extremely quick and it has always been running this way. Even I changed few brokers, different Historical data and number of bars… I think it must be something on your side. Try to restart the computer, and use it on Chrome. Should be a lightening.

    • #14242

      Hi Simon,

      It should be something from your side that makes the generator slow. It works really fast in general and so far we do not have complains that it works slow. Make sure to restart the computer before using it and try again. Also, clean all cache on the browser and anything that might slow it down.

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