Home Forums Trading Courses 100 EURUSD Portfolio EAs course New Course Eur/usd

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    • #6454
      User Avataredu


      i have optimized before 5 strategies ( from the course “The Best 5 EA”), the only one i don’t use is EURUSD because in 4 days it didn’t close in profit.

      I have buyed the new course 100 ea EURUSD.

      I have tested which of them are good for my broker:

      1. EURUSD H1 —–> OF 20 STRATEGIES 9 passed the validation and i selected 6 of them this is the equity
      EURUSD_H1<br />pontiac firebird insurance<br />

      2. EURUSD M1 Any of 20 passed the validator test,

      3. EURUSD M5 Any of 20 passed the validator test

      4. EURUSD M15 ONLY ONE of 20 passed and it doesn’t look gook

      5. EURUSD M30 5 of 19 passed this are the reults:
      EURUSD_30_M<br />pontiac firebird insurance<br />

      Now i am a little bit confused

      a) Should i Try to generate my own EURUSD strategy for M1 M5 and M15?
      b) After i found the right strategy, do You suggest to use the validator every month to check if they are still profitable

      thank you

    • #6458

      Hello Edu,

      it is not a bad idea to test the Trading portfolios with your broker. However, it is strange for me that only few pass the validation.

      What is the acceptance criteria in the Validation that you are using?

      Also, I saw the name of your broker(I do not say any brokers names in the Forum), I think you should make a good research about them, I have heard from students not really positive reviews, as they are closing the trades(interfere the traders work), no security on the deposits, and so on. However, this is a personal choice which broker you will use. What I want to say is that even you use the best EAs, they will not work at all if your broker is not trusted.

      You should always try to generate your own strategies, specially once you are get used with EA Studio.

      The Validator is useful because it nearly eliminated the Demo account testing. It shows the same results when you refresh your Historical data, and it is really useful tool, but let me know what is your acceptance criteria there, because this is what stopped the strategies from passing.

      Kind regards,

    • #6462
      User Avataredu

      Hello Petko
      i used little criteria (i know you suggested 300 tested bar and i used them to create mine strategy)

      here the validator for example m1:


      This is what i created for m1 instead:

      I tried to generate m5 strategies but anyone was good enough


      One problem can be that i have small data? for m1 i hae 75K candles.

      Thank you for the warning, the problem is always find a broker who permits to take back money and for what i know not located in cyprus or malta


    • #6465

      Hello Edu,

      you can find many reviews about the brokers from people that used to trade with them.

      However, it is always needed to be careful with that.

      It could be because you have small data, but still so few to pass the validator is strange for me.

    • #6474
      User Avataredu


      yes it is very strange.

      Another question why if i put 0,01 lots with that ea i am in profit:

      and if i put 0,1 in am in huge loss.

      Could it be because you created your strategy for 0,1 lots? If i use them in real, i want to use at least 0,1 lots

    • #6475

      Hello Edu,

      that is very interesting and strange. Can you please export the to Expert Advisors, and refresh the EA Studio with Ctrl + F5, and than try again.

      If you still see the same results, can you please send the two experts to the e-mail, so we can observe it.


    • #6477
      User Avataredu

      Hello Petko,

      It seems the problem is solved. It is very strange.

      Said That, i have three questions if you can answer:

      1) Can i put 20 Eas all in one or only 10 for time?
      2) Should i try to optimize every month the eas in each group? For Example all the EURUSD M1 1 etc…If yes, have i to optimize singularly one for one?
      3) If i decide to put the 10 eas in real, if i change 0,01 with 0,1 the equity should remain the same, right? Only the Net profit and the DD change right?

      Sorry for this questions but after that the thing on the previous message i am a little bit confused

      thank you

    • #6495

      Hello Edu,

      1. Yes you can put up to 99 EAs in one Portfolio Experts. In the course I have chosen 10 to make it simple for the students.

      2. You can optimize the EAs, but it is very time consuming. I prefer to test the EAs, or use the validator, and leave for future trading only the EAs that are currently profiting. During this time I generate new ones. This way I spend the time to generate new EAs instead of optimizing old ones.

      3. Yes, the equity line should stay the same when you change the lots.

      It is nothing confusing, just a refresh sometimes, and you will see no errors.

      Kind regards,

    • #6504
      User Avataredu

      Thank you as always.

      When you find that one of the 10 Eas is not good,

      do you search a substitute or do you leave only 9 eas?

      thank you

    • #6506

      If I have a substitute EA that I have already tested, I would use it. If not, I prefer to trade 9.

      The point here is not hurry placing a EA on live account just because you “have to”, but to place when you ” have” one.

      Kind regards,

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