Home Forums Cryptocurrency Is metatrader good for cryptocuurency trading?

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    • #2704
      User AvatarBart Meijrink

      Hello guys and Mr Alexandrov. My name is Bart and I am very new to cryptocurrency trading. I have heard very nice things about you and your academy and my expectations were met. I took your cryptocurrency trading courses for metatrader and they are just lovely. I will make sure to learn every detail.
      What I would like to ask you is if metatrader is good enough for cryptocurreny trading? I do believe since you are using it, it is good, but I just want to know if there is any other cryptocurrency trading platform that you can recommend to me, even a paid one?

      I have already some experience with metatrader for Forex and just with your courses I saw that it is applicable for cryptocurrency trading as well.

      Also, I would like to know if it is possible to do exchanging on metatrader, or not? And the last question is if metatrader is promising for the future development of cryptocurrency trading?

      I will appreciate your answers.

    • #2836
      User AvatarIohan Dive

      Hello Bart,

      there is good questions about metatrader and cryptocurrency trading. I hope that soon will have answers!

      Petko, if you have more advice аbout metatrader and cryptocurrency trading please share with us..

    • #2845

      Guys, simply Meta trader we use for algorithmic cryptocurrency trading and of course for Forex.
      If you want to trade manually, you can use any other(take a close look at the spreads always)
      If you are interested in exchanges, that you should be interested in investing and not trading.

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