Home Forums EA Studio Trading Robots from EA Studio funding tests

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    • #63179
      User AvatarJUAN MENDOZA

      Kind regards, is it possible to apply to the funding tests with the robots that the academy sends us?

      What is the profitability of the robots that the academy sends us?

    • #63296

      Hey Juan,

      Glad to hear from you. Can you make your question clearer?

      First, we do not send EAs to anyone 🙂 And second which EAs you mean, and what do you mean by “funding tests”?


    • #63743
      User AvatarJUAN MENDOZA

      Hi Petko, thanks for your answer. Sorry for my english.

      I am talking about if I would have the plan ALL ROBOTS BUNDLE ALL FOREX & CRYPTO EAS + MONTHLY UPDATES 644 robots. With these robots could I aply for TopstepTrader, Leeloo Trading, Earn2Trade, etc. in order to get an account whit money.

      Also, what is the profitable of these robots??




    • #63776

      Hello Juan,

      You can use the robots for any purposes you want (only not allowed to sell them).

      The performance is different every month. That is why we do not put the final performance results – there is no guarantee that next month it will be better or worse.

      Also, our method is the following:

      • We put the EAs on Demo accounts and follow the results
      • Select the winning eas for the current market conditions based on specific rules
      • Place on Live account just the Top performers
      • Kepp trading on Live the EAs that perform best on Demo

      So the results are different for everyone – depends on the brokers, on the system you follow to move the EAs from Demo to Live, and vice versa.

      But yes, you can try the EAs on any contests.

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