Multi Market Test

The traders use the Multi Market tool of EA Studio to test their strategy performance against different currency markets. You can clearly compare the results of each test by checking the backtest balance curve.


multi market testing toolbar

As soon as you click on Strategy from the top main menu of the program, you can see the Multi Market tab below.

Start/Stop button – from here you control the beginning and the end of the Multi Market testing process.

Progress – it shows what percentage of the test has been calculated at the current moment.

Calculated – it indicates the number of strategy backtests which are done.

Validated – here you can see the number of backtest results that pass the Validation criteria.


In order to add any market that you wish to test, you simply click on the ‘+ Add market’ button. Then, you choose the market from the drop-down menu.

However, if you want to remove any of the added markets, you just click on the ‘X’ button on the right side of the market.

Multi Market Chart

multi market testing chart

In addition, the Multi Market testing tool provides you with a clear chart of your strategy’s performance in each market.

All lines have different colors and each of them represents a specific market. There is a legend on the left side where you can see what color corresponds to which market.

Multi Market Statistics

The Statistics tab provides the traders with key backtest information for each of the tested markets.

Market – this is the currency pair that is a part of the test.

Balance – here you can see the account balance after the backtest.

Profit/day – this is your accomplished average profit per day.

Max DD % – the maximum drawdown of the account in percentage is a very indicative result.

Return/DD – next is the return to drawdown ratio

Trades – after that, you can view the total number of trades

Win/loss – the win to loss ratio is a major factor in any trader’s performance.

Multi Market Validation

multi market testing validation

The last section of the Multi Market testing is the Validation tab. There you have the freedom to add, adjust, and remove any criteria in order to validate each backtest result.

When you click on the ‘+ Add validation criteria’ button, you can choose a the criteria that are valuable to you.

If you decide that you do not want to have specific criteria in the list, you simply click on the ‘X’ on the right to remove it.

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