Home Forums EA Studio Why is EA Studio EA NOT trading on demo account but making trades in EA Studio?

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    • #190026
      User AvatarJaylon Nichols

      I generated 12 new EAs for August but non of the theme have made any trades on the Forex.com demo account. Last month 12 EAs traded fine so I don’t know what’s going on.
      Here is a screenshot of one of the EAs actively executing trades in EA Studio.

      There are no Errors in the Expert and Jurnal Tab in MT4.
      The lot sizing is set to 0.1 so I don’t know why they are not taking trades.
      I have combed through the source code and have not found anything that would prevent it from making trades.

    • #190027
      User AvatarJaylon Nichols

      I can manually open trades on the account so I don’t think it is the demo account.

    • #190028
      User AvatarJaylon Nichols

      Also, I forgot to mention that EA Studio is using Forex.com data, so it should be the same.

      • #190202
        User AvatarAlan Northam

        Do you have sufficient historical data?

        • #190239
          User AvatarJaylon Nichols

          Yes, I think 50k bars are enough.

          • #190405
            User AvatarAlan Northam

            I would recommend increasing the historical data to see if this fixes your problem!

    • #190244
      User AvatarJaylon Nichols

      I also just noticed if you look at the source code of Petko’s EA for August vs mine there are some key differences.

      “Additionally, when I compare the source code of my old EAs to the new ones, I notice the same pattern. I’m beginning to wonder if the presence of the “void” is causing the new EAs to not execute trades.”

      • #190407
        User AvatarAlan Northam

        The code generated by EA Studio or FSBpro is 100% accurate, you do not need to modify it.

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