Home Forums General Discussion Trading seminar in Japan next week

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    • #16681

      Dear traders,

      I would like to inform you that next week I will be leading live seminars in Osaka and Tokyo, Japan.

      The events will be on the 27th and 28th of July.

      27th, Osaka: https://goo.gl/maps/TTEDjWYY9wKsxpt17
      Building name: 新大阪NLCビル (Shin-Osaka NLC Building)
      Room: E301 (3rd floor)

      28th, Tokyo: https://goo.gl/maps/uwvZMjTri7Vf4sD97
      Building name: クアトロ室町ビル (don’t think they have an English name)
      Room: N403AB (4th floor)

      The tickets are available here:


      Will be glad to meet some of you there 🙂

      P.S The event might cause a bit of a delay in the monthly updates for the EAs, but I will do my best to be on time.


    • #16731
      User AvatarAndi

      Hey Petko,

      this sounds really interesting to meet you in person. I wish you make a seminar in the UK. I will be 100% there. Japan is so far 🙂

      Anyway if you have announced that earlier I would have organized a trip combined with a week there. Last year I visited The Philippines and I was planning anyway this year another country in Asia.

    • #16733
      User Avataroaka324

      Hey Petko!!!

      I am your student from a couple of months and I live in Tokyo. I got the ticket today! Excited to see you next week!

      Thanks for sharing this in the forum.

    • #16784

      Hey Andi!

      Yeah, I plan to do more live seminars during the next years and London definitely will be one of the spots.


    • #16787

      Hey Oaka,

      It will be a pleasure to meet you. I have never been to Japan and it will be an awesome experience for me.

      I have prepared quite interesting things for the seminar 🙂


    • #16816
      User AvatarSharapova Sisi

      Petkooo, I was sent for a week in Tokyo 3 weeks ago from my job. Why next weeeek :(((

      Ah, I felt really bad I missed it this way!

    • #17210

      Hey guys,

      I am just back from Japan. It was really a great experience. Not that much the country, but the people. They are so polite and disciplined. That is what impressed me the most.

      Here are some pictures from the seminar in Osaka:



      trading seminar in Osaka, Japan


      Bitcoin seminar in Japan


      Bitcoin trading in Japan


      Bitcoin trading seminar in Japan, Osaka

    • #17281
      User AvatarHaliffa

      Hey, Petko! It looks like really nice! I am sure the people loved you! What about the pictures in Tokyo?

    • #17444
      User AvatarSharapova Sisi

      Nice! Wish I was there!

    • #17568

      Here are some pictures from the Tokyo seminar:

      trading seminar Tokyo


      audiance at the seminar


      Bitcoin seminer in Tokyo


      Petko Aleksandrov seminar


      Petko trading seminar


      Bitcoin trading seminar in Japan

    • #17570

      Some more pictures:

      coin game in trading


      game with the traders


      seminar for Bitcoin and Forex


      Overbit platform for trading


      explaining strategies for trading


      support and resistance levels

    • #17571

      And some more pictures 🙂

      the important levels for the Bitcoin

      professional japanese traders


      introducing our website


      Forex Academy courses with Japanese captions


      trading courses


      motivational speach


      thanks to all

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